We finally made #TravelNBlog outside Java island. *Big grin!*
It has been on our wish list to at least host the #TravelNBlog workshop outside Java and we made it. If this is the first time you heard about #TravelNBlog, feel free to learn more about it here, or you can also read about our workshop in Bandung, or the one in Semarang, or the fourth one in Jakarta.
The Workshop
The #TravelNBlog 5 was held in the Digital Lounge Makassar (@DiLoMakassar) on 5th – 6th December 2015. It was a packed two days workshop, combined with a heritage tour to Benteng Somba Opu and Fort Rotterdam, plus a blog talk at the end of the workshop. I would like to give a special shout out to @ipulgs and @lelakibugis for their amazing help during the preparation and on the day of the workshop as well. Thank you for being such a great and helpful host.
We had around 13 participants and 5 sessions (and you know what? We had 1 participant form Kuala Lumpur! So great to have Lily joined our little workshop all the way from Malaysia to Makassar)!
These are the sessions we covered in the workshop: the concept of travel blogging by @indohoy, enrich your story by @arievrahman, making great travel images by @wiranurmansyah, managing your blog by me and constructing a kick-ass travel blog by @arymozta.
Managing Your Blog
Again, I got the opportunity to share my knowledge about “Managing Your Blog”. Having the opportunity to share the knowledge I had was a remarkable thing for me. Talking about blog management is actually a bit of an abstract thing I think personally. Everyone has their own definition of success when talking about blogging.
Some people want huge traffic, some the success of cooperating with famous brands, the ultimate goal for some is writing better. There are also a few who do not have any purpose, they do blogging for the sake of it, just as a hobby. As for me, I really wanted to be location independent and earn money anywhere, and this moment I am using my blog as the platform (Oh yes, I also shared how I earn money from my blog during the workshop). That is my aim, but it was never the reason why I started blogging.
You can find my reason for blogging here and it has never changed. The point is, however you manage your blog and whatever your own definition of success, it is really important to always keep an eye on your why. By doing that then you’ll be able to survive in the long haul. Btw, in a few months my blog will turn three years! I am so excited about it and hopefully I can keep on blogging and sharing information.
Thank You!
I would like to say thank you to our amazing supporters for making #TravelNBlog 5 happen – thank you for supporting our mission. In alphabetical order, here is: Gagas Media as our media partner, the Ministry of Indonesian Tourism, My Trip! Magazine and Smartfren Indonesia, our lovely sponsors.
Check out other articles about this workshop here:
Indohoy – Travelnblog 5 Makassar. Is it the end?
Vindhya of Ibupenyu – TravelNBlog5 : Makasar!
Ariev Rahman
Wira Nurmansyah
Btw, we have our blogging competition running now! Deadline is the 19th December 2015. Please check out this link for more info: http://travelnblog.net/kompetisi-blog-jelajah-sulsel/. Look forward to seeing you join the blogging competition!
Thank you Vira for the poster header 🙂 Thank you Wira and Ariev for some of the pictures :*
If you are interested in booking accommodation for your holiday in Indonesia I recommend Airbnb. Book through this link and you will receive a $25 discount on your first booking. For hotel bookings I recommend Agoda for its low price and discounts.
Ada akuuhhhhh
Capaaaa tuuhhh? 😀
Ahayyy ada akoohhh jugaaa 😀
Hahahaha.. Capa tuuhhhh? :p
[…] berapa lama kemudian, kami (Saya, Wira, Firsta, Vindhya, juga Vira dan Mumun) telah siap di lobi hotel Amaris Panakukkang, untuk berangkat menuju […]