#TravelNBlog 2 was being held at Co & Co Space, Bandung on December 6-7, 2014. More or less six months after our first TravelNBlog, which was held in Jakarta. This event had a slightly different concept to the first workshop. The event lasted two days and we got some great feedback.

In fact some of the feedback was so positive that we felt like we were flying to the moon. I am so happy when people want to learn and move forward together. Oh btw, if you don’t know anything about #TravelNBlog, feel free to check our first workshop here.

Here are some details about #TravelNBlog 2 in Bandung, ready?

Day 1 – Saturday, December 6, 2014

travelnblog2 bandung
In the blogging workshop we had a lot of great presentations covering everything to do with blogging. In short, these are all the materials: conceptualizing your blog by Mumun and Vira, crafting your story by Ariev Rahman, travel photography by Wira Nurmansyah, constructing a kick-ass travel blog by Ary Mozta, using social media to boost your blog performance by Lucia Nancy and beyond blogging by Adis Takdos and me.

Besides that we also had mini photo walk session where all the participants did a tiny photo hunting around the venue and uploaded the results to Google+ together with captions. Curious about it? Go check Google+ and search for hastag #UrangBandung and look for photos uploaded on December 6, 2014. Here are the best 3, in no order, Chamelia Sari, Try Pria and Siti Nurmalasari.

Winner Mini Photo Walk TravelNBlog2

As mentioned in my article about our first travelnblog workshop we, the TravelNBlog team, were not acting as mentors. We learned together and discussed how everyone (inluding us) can blog better. So happy to have 15 participants joining us in this workshop in Bandung and surprisingly not only from Bandung. Some of them come from Jatinangor, Jakarta and Tangerang.

We also had a blogging competition limited for #TravelNBlog 2 participants only. Participants had a chance to win these prizes below!  I instantly wanted to convert from a committee member to being a participant! I wanted the Vespa sling bag. 🙁

blogging competition prizes

Day 2 – Sunday, December 7, 2014

BagoesID Foldable Backpack for TravelNBlog2
The Photo and Share event was attended by 58 hunters, though 119 people registered for the event. Participants of Photo & Share hunt and spread around Bandung especially Car Free Day area to capture the best of #BandungToday.

The photo hunt started at 7 am and ended at 12. It was so much fun. Participants gathered at Co & Co working space, the registration point. Participants were given a red backpack, which they could use for carrying stuff for the photo hunt (they got to keep the bags at the end).

Wira was hunting for photo hunters, you got it right? Hunters hunting hunters. Below are some pictures taken by Wira (you can see the other use for the red backpacks).

red backpackers

Participants needed to upload their best picture(s) to Google+ before 12 noon time and three judges consists of Wira, Ary Mozta and Keke (from Google Indonesia) decided the winners. We also had lunch together. Following lunch there was a presentation from IDGeekGirls about their community and JepretStory about their apps, plus a lot of fun games and quizzes.

Curious about the winners? 1st place: Alhamdi Fikri, 2nd place: M Octa Nasrullah, 3rd place: Aditya Tegar Mandiri. Here they are:

Winner of Photo and Share

As always, the #TravelNBlog2 wouldn’t be as tasty as it can be without below ingredients (in random order):
Ariev Rahman of backpackstory.me / @arievrahman / +Ariev Rahman
Mumun and Vira of indohoy.com / @indohoy / +Indohoy
Vindhya Sabnani of Ibupenyu.com / @ibupenyu / +Ibu Penyu
Wira Nurmansyah of wiranurmansyah.com / @wiranurmansyah / +wira nurmansyah
Firsta (me!) of discoveryourindonesia.com / @discoverurindo / +Firsta Yunida
Lucia Nancy of lucianancy.com / @lucianancy / +lucia nancy
Ary Mozta of mozta.com / @mozta_ / +Ary Mozta

TravelNBlog team at WhateverResto

Adis of whateverbackpacker.com / @takdos / +adis takdos as guest speaker, a travel blogger based in Bandung, who’s lately more focused on his businesses. Anything Whatever! Bandung Food Truck – Whatever Combi, Whatever travel gear, Whatever Resto&Store and many more!
@idGeekGirls community media partners. They were such dolls. They helped us with so many things, such as registration, promotion and much more!
Google+ for supporting our Photo & Share event
baGoesID for providing an irresistible foldable tote bag for each participant of Day 1 #TravelNBlog2
Majalah Panorama & GetLost Magz as our media partner and providing a goodie bag for each participant of Day 1 #TravelNBlog2
Co & Co Space for being such an awesome venue!
Pantara clothing for supporting us by providing cool t-shirts!
JepretStory photo retraction app for providing free print facility for each participant of Day 2 #TravelNBlog2
@infobandung as our media partner that helped us spread the words!

Please also check out other #TravelNBlog 2 articles here:

Ariev Rahman – Apa yang Didapat dari #TravelNBlog2 Bandung?
Ibupenyu – #TravelNBlog2: Let’s Blog Better
Indohoy – TravelNBlog: #TravelNBlog2 Went To Bandung. Did You Go?
Wira Nurmansyah – From #TravelNBlog2 Bandung!

all speakers travelnblog2
So much fun isn’t it? Make sure you join us next time! Oh, btw.. We are thinking of hosting the next one in either Yogyakarta, Makassar or Surabaya? Which one do you prefer? Or do you have any better ideas? Let us know which city we should pick for #TravelNBlog 3? 😉

If you are interested in booking accommodation for your holiday in Bandung I recommend Airbnb. Book through this link to receive a special $25 discount. For hotel bookings I recommend Agoda for its low price and discounts.