I think you’ll never know how useful something is in your life until a time comes when you don’t have access to it. Most people in large cities, do often take basic things for granted. I know I shouldn’t, but I unintentionally did that. Let’s say… electricity. What do you think about a power cut? Even having no access to electricity for one hour can be quite annoying for us.
It’s obviously very different for people who live in small remote villages. As I love travelling around Indonesia whenever I got the chance, explore new places and meeting new people, I can see and experience how life in big cities is completely different with life in a village. I remember one of my trips, a road trip that I did last year from Yogyakarta to Labuan Bajo, Flores. During the trip I clearly saw that the opportunities to access energy is not equal between islands in Indonesia. Some places just don’t have any access to energy. It also clearly shows how limited access to energy affects the economic growth of an area.
Speaking about access to electricity, can you imagine living without any access to electricity? The limitations it imposes because it is more or less impossible to do anything after 6 pm, simply because it will be dark by that time.
It’s a daily problem for millions of people in Indonesia. Children who are unable to study at home, parents who are unable to work. Yet the country is blessed with renewable energy. The warm sun that beats down on us every day, the waves that crash against the shores and the geothermal energy that rumbles beneath the ground.
“Sumba, Iconic Island” project, initiated by Hivos, is a case study on what is possible when we try to tap into these renewable sources of energy. The project aims to positively impact society, to improve the lives of the people who live on Sumba. I would love to join the Ekspedisi Sumba, and spread the news and share stories about how life is in Sumba and how renewable energy is treating a better future for people.
The future is not only ours and our children. It also belongs to all of the future generations. Let’s make a sustainable choice by supporting the renewable energy. Renewable energy is more clean and will never ever run out.
Would you mind to do me a favour? 🙂
If you think that I am the right candidate to join the Expedisisumba, please click on this link –> http://hivos.nl/ind/Ekspedisisumba/Penyerahan-Aplikasi/Energi-untuk-Masa-Depan and give a testimonial as to why I deserve for the opportunity to join Ekspedisi Sumba. The chosen candidate will be an ambassador for renewable energy projects in Sumba and share their experiences through social media and blog. Thanks before!
good luck kak firsta 🙂
Thank you Kak Wisnu! 😉 Ditunggu testimonialnya ya –> http://hivos.nl/ind/Ekspedisisumba/Penyerahan-Aplikasi/Energi-untuk-Masa-Depan
wah kakak ikutan juga…. semoga kita ke sumba bareng :p
Kak Danannn, iya semoga ya! 🙂