In my life, I have only ever tried caving three times in Indonesia. The first time was caving in Buniayu, Sukabumi, West Java. This cave was far more of an adventure than the other two caves that I visited afterwards. Pindul Cave in Yogyakarta was the second place where I went caving, that time I tried tube caving. Unfortunately there wasn’t much of a cave to go tubing through and so the experience was really really short, but it was still a great thing to do and I’m glad I experienced it (after all, everyone should try something different). The last place that I have been caving is in Lalay Cave in Sawarna. Again, the caving did not last very long and the place was really slippery.
I will share some pictures from my Buniayu trip. With my pocket camera and my underwater case I got some of pictures inside the cave. I saw some of amazing stuff inside the cave which apparently did not look very amazing in the pictures that I captured. I guess the best advise would be, you should try and see the cave for yourself.
Still need to book your hotel for Yogyakarta? Save yourself some time! Here’s a list of the best hotels near Malioboro for every budget.
Sebagai warga Sukabumi saya aja belom pernah ke goa Buniayu 😀 hihi keren ya kak…salam kenal 🙂
Hi Tirani,
Hahaha.. iya yah, biasanya gitu 😀 Saya tinggal di Jakarta jg baru 1x naik ke Monas, itu pun karena ada teman dari Surabaya datang dan minta di antar. Salam kenal juga ya.
Buniayu memikat banget, jadi inget 3 th yg lalu kesana. Ngak tahan ama panas nya saat jalan dari mulut goa ke bibijilan nya 🙁
Iya aku jg udah agak lama kesana nya 🙂 Iya ya panas? aku waktu itu ketawa ketiwi jadi ga berasa jalannya. Hehehe.. Pingin coba Gua Jomblang di Gunung Kidul tapi belum kesampaian nih. Mungkin tahun ini!
[…] different to anything I have done before (I already been caving several times in Indonesia like: Buniayu, Lalay in Sawarna and tube caving at […]
I am Harshita, from India. Came across this article while researching about caving adventures in Indonesia.
Needed a little more information and insights on your experience – can we do a call or chat for the same? Let me know.
Thank you!
Harshita Sabnis
Hi Harshita, apologies for the late reply. Unfortunately I’m not a cave expert. Feel free to email me if you want to ask questions (info[at] discoveryourindonesia[dot] com).