Celebrating the Hari Blogger Nasional or National Blogger Day in Indonesia, which is celebrated on October 27, the Travel Bloggers Indonesia community decided to hold a blogger review between its member. Long story short, we agreed on do the posting together by November 1 and I got the chance to review Bulan’s blog, which is The Uber Journey. I’ve never done a blog review before, so here we go (and I am mixing it with interview!).
Btw, before we get too far, I should tell you this first: though Bulan’s blog is in Indonesian,ย but since my blog is in English so please allow me to review it in English. I hope you (Bulan’s blog readers and DYI’s readers) don’t mind.ย | update March 2015: Bulan started to write in English! Yayyy!
Senyum dulu ah.. ๐
That is a short sentence that Bulan picked to end all of the articles on her blog. It is a bit difficult to translate into English, perhaps it is something like this “Smile first. :)” PS: Bulan, you should correct me if you know a better way to translate it!
The phrase is a unique way to end an article, I am not lying, but it works! I did smile when I read “Senyum dulu ah.. :)” at the end Bulan’s article, even though the article was a horror/spooky story. So good thing, isn’t it? Bulan made a lot of people smiling by reading her stories!
About Bulan
I know her from the Travel Bloggers Indonesia community, the same way I got to know Olive – read Olive’s story about her old grave exploration here – a few months ago. She is originally from Yogyakarta and is now living in Jakarta. I met her once at a Skyscanner’s event. She is an energic, happy-go-lucky girl, funny and very friendly.
This is how Bulan describe herself on her blog:
Blogger Indonesia | Senang Jalan-Jalan | Suka Memotret | Selalu diam saat melihat pemandangan super keren! | Inisiator #DoodlingPusing | Selalu #Random
Can be translated to something like this:
Indonesian blogger | Love to travel | Love to capture | Always end up silent when she sees an amazing view | Initiator of #DoodlingPusing | Always #Random
Curious about few about Bulan (oh well, I am curious too!)? Here are some random things about Bulan and her thoughts:
- A wise traveler never despises his own country by Carlo Goldoni is her favourite travel quote.
- Yogyakarta, which is her hometown, is her favourite destination in Indonesia. Bulan said “Yogyakarta never fails me!” It opens its layers one at a time. There is always a new place, a new story, a new way to explore and enjoy the city.
- Her favourite travel bloggers are Riyanti from ceritariyanti.wordpress.com and Chocky from chockysihombing.com. She added quickly that she likes my writing too (oh Bulan, you are being a sweetheart). She loves how their writing flows smoothly and hooks her till the end of the post. Not boring or too patronizing yet informative and fun to read!
- You can find her here: Instagram @ubermoon, Twitter @ubermoon and Facebook Rembulan Indira.
- She said that writing is therapeutic for her. It helps her channeling her emotion (and the excessive amount of drama in her life) and creates a life-time memory which she likes to recall every now and then. That’s the main reason why she blogs, basically.
The Uber Journey review!
The Uber Journey’s appearance is simple with a standard blog layout. Bulan welcomes her readers with a colorful header written โThe Uber Journey.โ Bulan said that several of the old posts on The Uber Journey were actually taken from her first blog All Things I Love. Previously, she wrote about everything there. On Sept 2012, She decided to split the blog in two: personal blog and travel blog; hence, The Uber Journey began.
I loved The Uber Journey because Bulan is an interesting story teller. Whenever I read Bulan’s article I feel like she is talking to me. It feels personal. Articles on The Urban Journey are a mix of informative (she provides some contact numbers and costs details) and randomness, but they are almost always entertaining.
Last but not least I asked Bulan 10 randomness. She needs to pick one between two and be quick in answering ๐
Hopefully this can give you an idea about Bulan even more.
– Coffee or Tea? Tea
– Ice cream or Chocolate? Ice cream
– Lipstick or Mascara? Lipstick
– Wedges or Stiletto? Wedges
– Batik or Tenun? Batik
– Mountain or Sea? Definitely sea!
– Backpack or Suitcase? Backpack
– Adventure or Culture? Adventure
– A hug or a kiss? A hug. She was answering this at first: a hug with kisses in between?
– Chris Martin or Adam Levine? Adam Levine; well.. She is actually said none of them at first and change it to Jude Law and agreeing on Adam Levine afterwards.
Want to know more about Bulan and her adventures? Check out her blog now: The Uber Journey!
Read other blog reviews (including mine!):
Andre Handoyo –ย Hari Blogger Nasional 2014 – Blog Review: Obendon.com
Atrasina Adlina –ย Mengenal Indonesia Lewat Jejak Firsta
Danan Wahyu Sumirat โ Tindak Tanduk Arsitek
Fahmi Anhar –ย Jalan2 Cuap2 Bersama Danan Wahyu Sumirat
Felicia Lasmana โ Sekilas www.TITIW.com dan Titi Akmar
Indra Setiawan –ย Review Blog: Jalan-jalan Bersama Andrehandoyo.com
Indri Juwono – Mengulik Adlienz : Si Gadis Pelarian Laut
Matius Teguh Nugroho –ย [Review Blog] The Lostraveler: Warmer, Softer, Deeper
Olive Bendon –ย [Review Blog] Catperku, Jejak dalam Untaian Kata
Parahita Satiti โย The Batgirl: Felicia Lasmana
Rembulan Indira –ย [Review Blog]: Tentang Kak Kembara..
Rijal Fahmi Mohamadi –ย Wiranurmansyah Si Travel Photo Blogger
Tekno Bolang –ย Learning by Traveling [Review Blog]
Titiw –ย Travel Blog Review: Fahmi Anhar Sang Pencinta Hiu
Wira Nurmansyah –ย Berkenalan dengan Backpacker Borneo
Yofangga –ย Langkah Kaki Titi
[…] Bloggers Indonesia dalam memperingati Hari Blogger Nasional. Silahkan kunjungi karya lainnya di: Firsta Yunida yang mereview blog Rembulan […]
komplen: koq aku ndak diajak di gambar pertama? ๐
Iya kamu kemana waktu itu Mbak Olive?? Harus ketemuan lagi berarti yaaa..
kalian kan mejanya dekatan, aku mejanya di bagian depan
jadi pas poto2 ini keknya mejaku masih sibuk dengan tugas ๐
[…] terkait : 1. The Lost Traveler – LANGKAH KAKI TITI 2. Discover Your Indonesiaย – Blog Review for Hari Blogger Nasional: The Uber […]
[…] Firsta – Blog Review: The Uber Journey […]
[…] Bulan direview oleh Firsta : Blog Review for Hari Blogger Nasional: The Uber Journey blog Olive direview oleh Andre Handoyo : BLOG REVIEW : http://OBENDON.COM blog Wira direview Fahmi […]
pertama kenalan sama bulan, baca blognya sampai terkikik-kikik geli ๐
Jujur, ejie jadi penasaran dengan #haritravelblogger, firsta.
Foto diatas yg ada stefi, ejie tau, karena pas pulang selalu nunggu mb #oldgrave Bendon deh. Titi dan bulan, ejie baru tau.
Jadi pengen blogwalking bulan yg kt firsta, story teller ๐
*ikuti linknya hhaha
Seruuu deh baca blog Bulan, Jie. Jangan lupa mampir sana juga ya. Dia ngereview blognya Kak Bolang.
Terima kasih Kak Firstaaaa.. <3
[…] Blog Bulan oleh Firsta : Blog Review for Hari Blogger Nasional: The Uber Journey […]
Eh kak bulan foto yang terakhir cantik banget deh. Jaman kuliah ya kak? *eh* *kabooorrr*
Cakep ya Kak Bulan ya? Siapa dulu dong yang review. *eh*
Terima kasih sudah dibilang cantik banget Kak Wira. Kamu manis banget jugaaaa!! *mengabaikan kalimat tanya terakhir*
bener banget…baca blog ini bisa bikin senyu, apalagi kalau pas liat meme acha-acha itu…haha
Hahahaha.. Ikut bergoyang nggak kak? Hihihi.. Acha acha..
Yang aku suka dari blog kak Bulan itu adalah fotonya bener2 kasi kita gambaran tentang tulisan blognya, contohnya tentang Kalkuta dimana jalanannya bener2 macet dan ruwet. Fotonya keren ๐
Kak Andreeee,
Terima kasiiiih.. ๐
[…] Bulan direview oleh Firsta : Blog Review for Hari Blogger Nasional: The Uber Journey blog Olive direview oleh Andre Handoyo : BLOG REVIEW : http://OBENDON.COM blog Wira direview Fahmi […]
Bulan, my partner in crime in #DuoGinuk, she’s indeed a happy-go-lucky girl… tapi kalau udah duduk lama, dia bisa lho jadi bijaksana dan kontemplatif. Setelah itu, ya balik lagi ke #random, hihihi…
Terlepas dari aku sahabatnya, yes i love reading her blog and writing ๐
[…] Firsta Yunida yang mereview blog Rembulan Indiraย :ย Blog Review for Hari Blogger Nasional: The Uber Journey […]
[…] blog Bulan direview oleh Firsta : Blog Review for Hari Blogger Nasional: The Uber Journey […]
Iya kak Bulan lucuuuukkk hihihi. Waktu pertama kali mampir ke blognya, nggak nyangka tulisannya seasik itu. Pas ketemu langsung di Skyscanner… oh yeah, she’s fun and friendly ๐
What Skyscanner? Yang di Pullman? Kita kok ga ketemu ya??
[…] Kak Firsta – Blog Review for Hari Blogger Nasional: Theย Uber Journey […]
kak bulan itu kayaknya orgnya lucu ya, jadi pengen ketemu…
Kamu ga pingin ketemu aku ka? :'(
haha, baca-baca review gini jadi berasa deket gitu yak keluarga TBI
duh kapan bisa kumpul lengkap?
*senyum dulu ah
Iya ya Yof. Posbar kali ini seru banget. Yuk, kita bikin kopdar. Enaknya dimana ya?
[…] Wahyu untuk Tindak Tanduk Arsitek Fahmi Anhar untuk Danan Wahyu Felicia Lesama untuk Tentang Titi Firsta untuk The Uber Journey Indra Setiawan untuk Jalan-jalan Bersama AndreHandoyo.com Indri Juwono untuk Adlienerz.com Matius […]
She sounds lovely, as does her blog. It’s a shame it’s all in Bahasa as mine isn’t so great yet (still learning though!).
Hi Lily,
Bulan starts writing in English! Yes she is as lovely as Debbzie ๐
Wow emang kapan ya hari blogger itu, baru denger
27 Oktober ๐
wah mantap, semakin banyak blogger wanita :-). Salam kenal mbak
Salam kenal juga Mas Kusnendar. ๐ Terima kasih sudah berkunjung.
Enak mbak jadi blogger bisa jalan-jalan kek mbak ๐ lah saya tiap hari ngeblog no life di rumah mbak ๐ someday saya juga pengen kayak mbak ๐
Hi TeknoRizen,
Terima kasih sudah mampir di sini. Saya (dan sepertinya Bulan juga) jalan-jalan karena kami suka jalan-jalan, bukan karena kami blogger. Hehe.
Mungkin bisa jalan-jalan di sekitaran area kamu saja, tapi mesti tunggu samapai Covid19 mereda. All the best ya!