This article dedicated to my fellow Indonesians. Do you know that by applying online for a new passport or passport extension you will avoid so much pain at the immigration office? For those who live in Jakarta (it doesn’t matter if your National ID/KTP is Jakarta or not) and are thinking of applying or doing the passport extension in Jakarta, please keep in mind that there is no “walk-in queue system” anymore. You have to reserve your spot online / through the app – M-Paspor. I just recently re-new my passport from Yogyakarta’s immigration office, and I have to book my spot through the app. It’s very a straightforward process.
Passport Application through Online (Browser/App):
Let’s talk about the online part first. Here is an easy step-by-step guide that will save lots of time and hassle:
- You have to register yourself here:
- You need to fill in your username, create a desirable password, and add your National ID/KTP number, phone number, email address and your home address.
- You have to confirm your email address. You’ll find a confirmation email from them and you just need to click the link.
- Once you’ve done all of the above you can log in to your account and reserve your spot.
- Go to the Kantor Imigrasi list page and there you can choose the immigration office closest to your place or you want to go to and click the “Buat Permohonan” button.
- Choose the date, time and the number of applicant(s). If the date appears grey and can’t be click that means that it has been fully booked. I learned it is better to use Mozilla as your browser rather than Chrome. Every date turns grey in Chrome. I am not sure why.
- Make sure to arrive at your appointment on the scheduled date and the correct time. It is better to arrive 30 minutes early.
- To apply for a NEW Passport bring: your E-KTP, Kartu Keluarga, Akta Lahir/Buku Nikah/Ijazah (you need to bring the original documents and also the copy of it. Copy on A4 paper, don’t cut it).
- Passport EXTENSION: For passports published after 2009 immigration states you just need your old passport and E-KTP, but that is not the case. I still needed to submit exactly the same documents as a new passport application.
- On the day that you submit your documents you will need to do an interview and have your photo and biometric data taken. The interview was really basic. The kind of questions I got asked included: why do you need to do this extension, where are you planning to go, etc. I remember it took me 30-45 minutes. For those who apply for their first passport, and actually don’t have an actual travel plan, I would recommend to say that you are planning to go to a country in Southeast Asia, for example: Thailand or Vietnam. It is relatively easy to travel to those countries because we (Indonesian) don’t need a visa, it is not that far and in terms of cost, it is similar to Indonesia.
- Once your document has been submitted you will get the receipt and payment code. With the payment code, you can do the payment (I did mine through Klik BCA). The cost: Rp 655,000 for the e-passport and Rp 355,000 for the normal passport (48 pages).
- Your passport will be ready to collect 5 working days after your first visit to the immigration office. Besides to submit your necessary documents, you also need to do the interview and have your photo and biometric data taken.
You can also make your appointment through a phone application too. A lot of people say that it is easier through the app rather than the website. I really don’t know why, and I didn’t use the app. At the moment the app is only available for Android.
Passport Application through Whatsapp:
The Whatsapp reservation method is basically similar to the online reservation. I personally think it is so much easier. However, the Whatsapp reservation system is only available for the below Immigration Offices:
- Jakarta Pusat: +62812 9900 4406
- Tangerang: +62811 8119 000
- Bogor: +62811 1100 333
- Batam: +62822 8886 2017
Documents You Need:
So these are the things that you need to bring to the immigration office:
- National ID card (KTP asli)
- Family card (Kartu Keluarga asli)
- Birth certificate/graduation certificate/marriage certificate (Akta lahir/Ijazah terakhir/Surat nikah asli) one of them will be enough
- Your old passport which you need to extend (if it is a new passport application then it is not needed)
- Copy all of the above documents on A4 paper. Do not cut it and do not copy 2 documents on one piece of paper (for example: do not copy ID Card together with your old passport on one paper). One document per A4 piece of paper
- The printed receipt of your online submission or your phone to show them your booking code (if you register through Whatsapp)
Oh btw, sometimes the Immigration offers a pop-up passport application and extension services. This is really useful because most of the time it is difficult to reserve your spot. I made my appointment 4-5 weeks before (the dates before it not available at all). To find one of these popup appointments you can stalk their social media accounts here:
Pretty easy isn’t it? You just need one romantic day (plus less than 30 minutes on a different day to pick up the passport) with the immigration office and you can get everything done. Super easy! 😉
Hi, i am very impressed with the detail step by step that you pointed it out. Can I just check when was this written and whether this is still valid as of now? And immigration office only avail in jakarta?
My previous maid from surabay would like to pay me a visit after went home for quite some times..but having prob to get her passport renewed..
where is the nearest office that she can go? and does she need any visa?
Hi, This post was published in May 2013. Unfortunately, I don’t have any view for city outside Jakarta.
What if you do not have (Akta lahir/Ijazah terakhir/Surat nikah asli)? What if you do not have these documents? Like you lost all 3 of it.. can you use divorce certificate?
Hi DJ, I don’t think you can use a divorce certificate for this.
I would suggest taking care of one of the documents before taking care of the passport.
Good luck!
Hi Firsta,
Is education certification a mandatory requirement for passport application?
Hi Justin,
I don’t think so. The requirement is either a birth certificate/education certification/marriage certificate. You can choose one of them.
thank you. well written and really helping. I am actually searching “How to Apply Indonesian Passport” on google and this came out on the first page. Thank you so much for this 😀
I am glad that you found the blog post is useful. Oh really? Wow, I don’t even know that. Thanks for the information Yudha.
Yes, your’s appeared first. Thanking you in advance.
I am glad you found this post useful. Thanks for visiting my blog JP.
thanks for this information 🙂
Hi Mutiara, my pleasure!
can anybody advise me where is the nearest immigration office to extend passport in purwoketo
Hi HJ,
You can probably try to go to the immigration office in Cilacap. I read some blog post (written in Indonesian) that talked about it.
Here you go the address: Jl. Urip Sumoharjo No.249, Gumilir, Cilacap. Telp.+62282-547779. The journey from Purwokerto to Cilacap takes +/- 90 mins.
Hope it helps. 🙂
How can I find a lost passport number ?
I am out of Indonesia and need my old passport number to reissue a new one . Indonessian embassy cant help with out the number
Hi Rosita,
I think you should contact the immigration office. I am sure they store it somewhere if you can provide your ID number. They have “Lost and Stolen Passport” section on their website. Good luck! 🙂 Or you can apply a new passport at the Indonesian Consular/embassy. Maybe? Hope it helps!
How does an Indonesian go about obtaining the above mention required id if they have lost it all? Where is a good place to start? Thank you. Carole
Hi Carole,
I don’t know how to say it in English, but probably you can start with making a new ID card at “RT (Rukun Tetangga)” and also create a new Birth Certificate in civil registry office (Catatan Sipil) in where the person born. Good luck!
I have a friend who wants to leave Indonesia. She has the documents but her parents keep them from her. She says her parents have the ability to cancel her passport at any time how is this possible and is it legal?
Thank you ! Please reply when you can! Terima Kasih, I’m not Indonesia by the way lol.
Hello Rizal! How old is she? I think (I don’t really understand the law though) if she already has her own passport, it can’t be cancelled by her parents. Should ask to immigration for better answer 🙂
She is 19… to whom is it that I can get in contact with to find the official answer?
I guess you should try to ask immigration office for better view. Here is their website: or just find the nearest immigration office.
hello once your passport is ready nobody have a rite to cancel it just ur self can do it for cancellation need your signature and your wish other wise cannot be cancel
is there a passport office in Bali?
I don’t really know to be honest. You should check this one:
Hope it helps.
I’m trying to help an Indonesian citizen who lives in KSA. She has lost her passport and cannot issue a new one without getting the number of her passport. We tried to email the immigration office but no one replied. She has an old ID ( KARTU TANDA PENDUDUK). Would you please help us?
Thank you
Hi Diana,
Have you check their website and try contact the Lost and Stolen Passport division?
Hi everybody,
Can anyone please explain me how about services in cilacap immigration office.? I have a concern of passport renewal and intend to proceed it there online.
Does it take a long time??
Hi Nunu,
Sorry I can’t really help you 🙁 I don’t know about it. I think it will probably take a week-ish.
I have an Indonesian passport and I just emigrated to Indonesia (I previously lived in Europe). I need a new Indonesian passport ASAP but I don’t have a KTP and family card yet!!! How can I arrange that I will have a new passport ASAP??? Please help!!!
Thanx in advance!
Hi Sharon,
I think ID card (KTP) and family card are the basic requirements for it. Do you already try to contact the local/community association (rt/rw) to sort out the KTP and family card for you?
It’s good to read a lot of information from you. Just to add, if you applied online at Jakarta Pusat Immigration before 11am, then your passport will be ready at the same day around 3-4 PM. I like how our Immigration came with this kind of solution, so you don’t have to go back and forth.
Hi Dilla,
Thank you very much for your additional information. Yes, it is indeed a great improvement 🙂
Just about to apply for first passport. Your information so helpful. Thanks you very much
Hi Ayu,
Thanks and so glad that you found it useful. Good luck for the application! 🙂
I think this website has the queueing system itself. As im applying now, i cant even pick a date to come to the nearest immigration office. It says “25:permohonan tidak ditemukan”. I mean seriously they even limit the online applicants??? As i thought its too good to be true. Really dissapointed with the system
Hi Selly,
Mungkin pas lagi penuh kali ya? Aku sendiri sih tidak ada masalah waktu itu. Lancar. 🙂
Oh ya, they do put limitation for the online application (per day).
Good luck!
Thanks Frista
Hi Irza!
My pleasure 🙂 Thanks for visiting my blog.
Thanks for your good advice- btw I wanted to make passport for my mom in Indonesia how do I do that ( currently I am in Australia ) she tried to apply in cilacap yet she end up being told to pay 1.750.000 through second man aka calo
Hi Wiwi,
Here is the immigration office address in Cilacap from here:
Kantor Imigrasi Kelas II – CILACAP
Jl. Urip Sumoharjo No.249, Cilacap
No need to use a middle man. As long as your mom can provide all the requirements (ID Card, Family card and Birth certificate), it should be easy to do. It costs you Rp. 255.000 for a new / renewal passport. Even if you use ‘calo’, it usually cost you below Rp. 800.000.
Hi Firsta, firstly, i would like to thank you. Your blog is awesome and useful. Fyi, my maid wants to come back to work with me in Singapore. However, she need to make a new passport. She lost her marriage cert n birth cert. She dont know how to make a new one. Can u recommend any ‘calo’. Do you have any contact? My maid is in Cilacap. Thank you.
Hi Norlinda,
Sorry I can’t help. I don’t know any ‘calo’. Btw, how about her last graduation certificate?
Thanks for your kind words and I am glad to hear that you found this blog useful.
where is the nearest place to renew passport in lumpung timur??
Hi Janice,
Sorry I dont have any idea where Lumpung Timur is. Is it actually Lampung Timur? If it is Lampung, then there are 3 Immigration offices there: Kotabumi, Kalianda, and Bandar Lampung. Check here for the address: Find “Lampung”.
Hope it helps.
Firsta, u can really take pics of the docs needed? Instead of scanning em?
I’ve tried it just now, didnt make it. It said “File lampiran tdk sesuai aturan”. Mine are under 1,8 MB.
Hi Arielle,
Is it JPG file? I got the same response when I upload PDF file. Try JPG.
Hi Frista, glad to read your blog. Its really help me but can you help me, on that form i have to fill no. rekomendasi kemenaker(for TKI) where i an get those number? do i need to come to any goverment office or already on passport?
need your help 🙁
Hi, I am not sure why that appear. However, I think you don’t need to put anything on that field as it stated “for TKI” only.
I too also googled how to get an indo passport. Great site. Thanks!
Thanks Jodie 🙂
after submitting the online application and made the payment, do I really have to wait for one week to schedule the appt? On the drop down menu has the next day available?
Also, is it first come first serve? thanks!
Hi Alpen,
I think you can choose it, not necessarily need one week after the submission. Would be great to check it directly to the immigration office.
My experience was first come first serve, but you already pick your own schedule (time).
Hi Mustafa,
I am sorry I don’t really know about baby passport. 🙁 In term of the docs, I think it should be similar with what I already mention above. Good luck!
What is the physical address and phone number in Jakarta to obtain a new passport? Thank you ahead of time.
Hi Erick,
You can check it here: Please search for “Jakarta”.
firsta can u help me please.
Hi Shamweel,
I am sorry, but I am not a visa agent.
Don’t really know anything about Indonesia visa because I never deal with it 😀
i want visa.can u help me
I found the information is very useful. I could like to ask some information. I am an Indian. Married to Indonesian. Lives in kotabaru ( kalimantan). I could like to make her a passport so I that I can take her to visit india. She has KTP, kartu keluarga with my name in it. And marriage certificate but marriage certificate is an Islamic certificate not from the government. Is this enough to apply passport for her. I could like a prompt answer if possible. Thank you. Arujun.
Is it possible to make the passport in bali.
Hi Arujun,
Yeah I think you can. Btw, for the passport requirement it needs legal marriage certificate. Can replace the marriage certificate with birth certificate or graduation certificate. Good luck!
Thanks for ur information.she doesn’t have a birth certificate and graduation certificate. What do u mean by legal marriage certificate. We did it legally with her parents. Islamic marriage certificate. Is it possible to make in bali. We are still trying to make birth certificate.
Like Buku Nikah from KUA (for moslem) or the certificate from Catatan Sipil (for non moslem).
applying online really save my time 😀 though I think the process are still confusing me on the first time I apply for my passport. -,-
Thank for ur advice. One question:my husband is indonesian n he lost his passport! Can he still pply onine? Does he need any doc ftom the police station? I m italian and in my country we have to make a statement to the nearest police station n then we can applu for a new one but my husband now is back in jakarts for hplidays n he lost the passport what he has to do? Thank you
Hi Laura,
Yes, he needs to attach a letter of lost passport from the police. He can read more here:
– Melampirkan surat keterangan kehilangan paspor dari Kepolisian setempat bagi yang paspornya hilang;
– Melapor ke Seksi Pengawasan dan Penindakan Keimigrasian untuk memberikan keterangan tentang kerusakan atau kehilangan paspor yang dituangkan dalam Berita Acara Pemeriksaan (BAP);
– Berkas yang bersangkutan diteruskan ke Kepala Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Hukum dan HAM untuk mendapatkan keputusan;
Keputusan Kepala Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Hukum dan HAM dapat berupa persetujuan atau penolakan atau penundaan;
– Apabila permohonan penggantian disetujui, persyaratan dan proses penyelesaian dapat dilaksanakan seperti permohonan paspor baru.
Hope it helps. Cheers!
mau nanya nih apa sih bedanya paspor umum sama paspor kerja.
Hi Puji,
Saya kurang tau tapi mungkin sama saja ya? Visanya yang berbeda kan?
My wife’s nurse is working for me in Jakarta. She is originated from Lampung. Is it possible for her to make a Passport in Jakarta Timur?
Should I make a working statement or shall I ask for such from her Employee ( Citra Bunda Foundation )at Kelapa Gading Pacific Office Complex ?
Hi Boyke,
She should be able to do it as long as she has all the required documents to apply for a passport. Better to ask the immigration office though. Btw, I don’t think a working statement is needed when applying for a passport. Hope it helps.
Just wanna ask about visa extension I got the visiting visa from Indonesian embassy in my country
Can the immigration office in Cilacap do it for me?
Or immigration office class 2 don’t do such things ?
Hi SA.. I dont have the experience of extending Indonesian Visa 😀
Some friends of mine usually do the extension at the Class 1 Immigration offices; such as in Jakarta, Bali, Yogyakarta and Surakarta.
This is the Cilacap immigration office address and phone number (I got it from the official immigration webiste):
Jl. Urip Sumoharjo No.249, Cilacap
Phone: +62817619990
[email protected]
You can probably phone them up or email to make sure if class 2 immigration office can do the service. I hope it helps.
Hi Ms Firsta,
Thanks a million for the information.
What if someone does not have their marriage certificate nor their birth certificate. Those days in rural areas they do not use birth certificates and marriage certificates. This is a problem now.
1) Can those documents still be obtained from “civil registry office (Catatan Sipil)”? Even though their birth is not recorded nor their marriage?
2) Any other way to obtain the passport?
Hi Devan,
You can replace it with graduation certificate, together with ID Card (KTP) and Family Card (Kartu Keluarga).
Try to visit the Catatan Sipil where the person was born and ask if they can help to make a new birth certificate. I am not sure if that is possible though.
Hope it helps.
Hi Ms Firsta,
Thanks for the reply.
There is another way i found out, you can request for acknowledgement letter from the church/temple/etc of the wedding… then this can be certified at Catatan Sipil.
That is the worst case scenario.
Hi Devan!
Thanks for this valuable info 🙂
I came across your site as I am trying to help my gf make a new passport so she can come stay with me in Australia. She has been working overseas in hong kong/macau for the last 3 years and said that she doesn’t have a family card or ID card but has her birth certificate.
I understand in order to make a passport, these items are required, would you know how to obtain the family card and ID card if she doesnt have it yet?
one of my friend want to make new pasport how much the total expanse
I think it is around 255,000 IDR, but the e-passport is more expensive (I guess 500,000 IDR or above).
My Indonesian friend has a current Indonesian Passport but has lost her Birth Certificate which she needs to apply for an Australian Tourist Visa. I assume there is a Catatan Sipil in her area of Cilacap. She says that friends told her it is Rp 1.5 juta for a replacement. Is this true when a Passport is only Rp255,000??
Hi Neil,
I don’t have any experience on making a Birth Certificate replacement so I don’t know.. Sorry can’t help 🙁
Hi it possible to make an passport without akte lahir (Only KTP and KK) as my mum has no Akte lahir.. Do you know an agent who can help me with this please. Thanks
Dear Frista,
how to solve 25: Permohonan Tidak Ditemukan,
i’ve tried many times to input the bank jurnal, but still cant fill arrival date?
any suggest?
Hey Yudi,
Umm.. I am not sure. Can try to check this article by Trinity:
Hope it helps.
Is it possible to renew my passport in Indonesia without having a KTP?
Hi Al,
I don’t think that is possible.
Hi Firsta,
I need your advise as to whom shall I go to to have my passport and ID certified. You see, I am trying to apply for a visa to certain country but they required that I have my passport and ID certified by our government authority that what I held are genuine. I got my passport from Cilacap and I am sure I can get it certified there but the trouble is that I am now studying in China and where I am there is no Indonesian embassy or consulate. Can you recommend an agency that can handle that so that I dont have to travel all the way to Cilacap to have my passport certified? Thank you!
Hi Susi,
Sorry I can’t help. I don’t know any agency that handle docs certification services. 🙁
Min saya minta langkah2 untuk membuat i paspor yg pertama kali nya dgn cara online,saya asal dari bandung tetapi saya kerja di denpasar,ktp asli bandung,dan di bali saya kerja sementara….gmn cara yg baik buat bikin paspor ,makasih
Hi Reky, saya kurang tau apakah KTP Bandung bisa apply paspor di Bali. Harusnya sih tidak ada masalah tapi bisa coba dipastikan ke pihak imigrasi. Oh ya, langkah-langkahnya sudah saya jabarkan pada artikel ini. 🙂 Selamat mencoba ya.
hi from Aus, if an indonesian friend of mine who is a perm resident since 2001 but has let his 2nd passport lapse (29 March 2012)and has lost his birth certificate and has no license or other photo ID….can he still renew his indonesian passport here been try to call indo embassy in Sydney for 3 days now and they will not answer !!!!
Can u help?????
Ann-Maree 🙂
Hi Ann-Maree, I am afraid I can’t. Hope the embassy gets back to you / your friend soon. Good luck!
Hello dear,
i’m glad that i ended up on your page. 🙂
got lot of information here.
I’m from India and i’m preparing to marry my Gf who is staying in Medan.
Can i/she apply online for her passport.
Can you provide me the online site.
Thanks in advance.
(And i have to prepare so many documents as of now to marry her and make visa for her and hopefully both travel back to india. 🙂 )
If you have any info regarding marriage you’re suggestions are welcomed..
Thanks a lot in advance 🙂
Hi Azzzy, Medan is a big city so I assume she can apply online too.. Should use the same link I guess. Btw, easiest way is ask her to go to Immigration office to sort things out.
Hii Firsta, my girl tried to reach the immigrasi office through phone for several days but no one picks up the call. she has office and it’s hard to take a leave from office to her.
There’s a small query which i have, my girls name in KK and KTP is “Atma Marthalena”, but in her birth certificate and other school certificate it is “Atma Martha Lena”, would that be a problem in getting a pasport??
or she has to make a new KK and KTP?
Need your advice.
Thank you.
Hi AzzZy,
That potentially can be a problem. Well.. I can’t suggest anything except try to get in touch with the immigration. Good luck!
Hi Firsta I am an indian married to Indonesian girl I am working in Dubai I want to call my wife to Dubai but unfortunately her passport has expired she is staying in jawa barat its very difficult to travel for her alone can you suggest any agent who can renew her passport.
Hi Sarfaraz, Sorry can’t help. Don’t know any agent. 🙁
i am a filipina,i would like to seek advise on how could my indonesian boyfriend,from Cilacap renew his indonesian passport which had been expire 3 years ago(14 november 2011).he got this passport at KUALA TUNGKAL OFFICE.can he do renewal here in Jakarta as he’s been working here for 6 years.thank you and hope to hear an information from..we wanted to travel back to my country together,this march if possible for us to renew his passport here in JAKARTA.
Hi Shirley,
Not sure if you can renew a passport that has been expired 3 years ago. Should check to the immigration office directly or, perhaps, apply for a new one.
Hi Firsta,
Thanks for info, there is no option for 24 pages passport?
Hi Andre, there is. Check here for more details.
Hi Firsta,
Mau nanya nih, gimana mau buatin paspor anak, Sdh dicoba ke website immigrasi apply online untuk saya tidak ada masalah, tapi untuk anak apa sih peraturannya dan id nya pakai apa ya? sudah dicoba pakai id akte kelahiran tapi gagal.
Thanks in advance
Hi Al,
Duh aku ga ngerti kalau untuk anak 😀 Harus mampir ke kantor imigrasi kayanya.
Oh ya, gak sekalian buat e-paspor saja? Agak lucu sih, yang e-paspor malahan ga bisa apply online :/
I am trying to understand my friend’s Indonesian passport as I am trying to help her apply for a Schengen visa for Europe what is the number under the photo (it’s NIKIM xxxxxxxxxx ) what is that number used for?
Hi Amina,
Sorry I can’t help 🙁 I can’t remember my Schengen visa process. All the best for the visa application.
Hi Firsta,
I have expired indonesian passport for over 10 years now, which process is easier, to renew it, or apply a new passport, if it’s possible to make new one?
Lastly i have original expired KK , and expired KTP for more than 10 yrs. Can you give me advice where to renew this KK and get new KTP?
Thanks Firsta, you ‘re great helper and adviser!
Hi Andi,
Sounds a bit complicated if everything is already expired 😀
I think the easiest way to do it is to sort out your KTP first. Go to RT, perhaps? and later after KTP, you can take care your KK and finally apply for a new passport.
Good luck!
I hold a British passport I want a change in life would like to move to indonesia for say 5 years with 4 kids a family is they a visa for 5 years or sum kind of passport available fOr British citizens?
As I know there is Visa On Arrival – valid for 30 days and can be extended another 30 days – I think the cost is USD 25.
Besides that there is Sosial Budaya visa (valid for 6 months), but you might need a sponsor (can be an individual) in Indonesia.
Try to google: indonesia expat forum visa. 🙂 Hope it helps.
Hi Firsta!
Can you please tell me if the passport can be made in any Immigration office? My friend would like to visit me in europe but she lives in Bali where she moved from Makassar. Does she have to go to Makassar to make a passport? Thanks a lot!
Hi Marcin,
I think it should be ok. 🙂 Good luck!
Hi. I need your help im Indian citizen.
My glfnd She want take passport. Can you give details how take passport how many day need for this. I hope u rply me plz rpl
Hi Ms. Firsta,
Thanks for all the information provided.
Its very helpful.
I am Indian and my wife Indonesian, we got married in Indonesia. We have a baby girl now 3 months. She got already Akta Kelahiran. What are the procedures to take Passport for the baby?
Hi Faseeh,
Check this one out, it is in Indonesian language:
Hi Firsta
Thanks for the link. So the steps for baby Passport are same as the elder ones. Thanks again for the link. Currently I am not in Indonesia now. So is it possible without my original passport my wife can go and apply for baby passport ?
Hi Faseeh, sorry I don’t know about that. Should have a try to go to the immigration office and ask or try to call them first to ask about it.
hi iam Indian boy I married Indonesia girl we want go to India what are the producer’s please help me
Hi Nishad,
Apply for the passport and apply for a visa to India. All the best for you two.
Hi, Nishad, I am Indian and my wife is Indonesia, i bring her many times to India, if you have any doubt i a, ready to help you.
Firsta, for my previous message, you told me to call Imigrasi, my wife call many times in Jember Kantor Imigrasi but not answering by anybody.
I have the big doubt now, i tried to apply online passport application for my daughter. But on the first page there is a column we need to enter “No. Identitas” and options are KTP WNI, NIK, ARC. My daughter is just 5 months and she cant get KTP now. So what Identity number i can give there ?
please help. Or if we go directly to Kantor Imigrasi, how many times we need to go there again, and how much time it will take to get passport if all papers are ok?
Looking for you kind reply
They asking you to pay before going to the immigartion office now
Hi Pio, Yes, that is correct. You need to pay the expense first, right? Is it through bank transfer?
Hi Firsta,
Thanks so much for sharing this very detailed information. It really helps.
Hi Miranda,
I am glad to hear that you found this blog post useful. 🙂
Hi, firstly i’d like to say thank you for providing such information for the rest of us who aren’t sure. The information given in your blog has helped many better understand.
Could you please explain how do you proceed with payment online extension of passport 48h. I am half way through the online process and i do not understand the payment process. I received the email of konfirmasi permohonan BUT it states there “pemohon diharuskan mencetak bukti pengantar ke bank (terlampir) dan melakukan pembayaran ke bank”.
Could you please share how and what did you do from this point onwards?
Thank you very much.
What is SIMPONI? How do i “melakukan pembayaran di SIMPONI”?
I also lost my KK(original), however i have the photocopied version of it. Could the photocopied version be of any use or do they ONLY want the original version? If not, what do you suggest that i do? Make a police report and show the report to Imigrasi as proof of kk being lost? The ide
Hi Hakim,
I am assuming you are Indonesian right? Pakai bahasa Indonesia saja ya. Dulu ketika proses aplikasi paspor ini, pembayaran saya lakukan di kantor imigrasi, nampaknya sekarang proses sudah berubah sedikit, yaitu harus melakukan pembayaran terlebih dahulu baru bisa melanjutkan pendaftaran untuk aplikasi pasport online. And again, so sorry, don’t have a clue what is Simponi.
Tentang Kartu Keluarga, wajib menunjukkan yang asli, dan iya, sebaiknya buat laporan kehilangan dulu ke Polisi.
Untuk lebih jelasnya, bisa coba hubungi kantor Imigrasi dan tanya-tanya, ya Mas. 🙂 Hope it helps.
hi, your post is really informative for the new applicants. Thanks a lot for your contribution. I am from India, but love Indonesia, I visited Banda Aceh, Lhokseumawe and Medan last year. Next month plan to visit Bali.
Thank you for the very helpful information. I didn’t see anywhere it asking for a passport sized photo like is required for visas. Is this done once you go to the immigration office?
Also do you pay online or when you arrive at the office?
Hi Jenna,
Are you talking about Visa or Passport application? We don’t need to bring passport sized photo for the passport application since you’ll get your photo taken on the spot. Payment is online now (though I pay at the office before).
I m a pakistani citizen but me married with indonesian girl so how to get indonesian passport please tell me about this… thanks alot love u indonesia
I am a pakistani citizen but me married with indonesian girl so how to get indonesian passport please tell me about this… thanks alot love u indonesia
Hi Qaisar. I’m assuming that you want the Indonesian passport. You’ll need to be married for three years before you can apply for permanent residency (at least I think this is the case). You can’t have your citizenship (not allowed to have dual nationalities).
Thanks for all the information provided.
Its very helpful.
Hi Waqar, glad you found the article useful!
Why do you think my friend is facing difficulty. She is trying to apply for an Indonesian passport. She is divorced, 40 years old, and is being asked to get written permission from her parents to travel abroad, provide a letter of sponsorship from the country she intends to visit once she gets her passport, and show an airline ticket for her intended travels. That information is sometimes required by whatever country she intends to visit. This is the first time I have heard a passport issuing country ask for this kind of information.
Has Indonesia become so conservative that single women can’t leave the country?
Hi Ed, that is odd. It shouldn’t be like that. That is quite silly. I hope your friend can get her passport problem solve soon.
I am an Indonesian citizen living abroad for over a decade and always renewed my passport in KBRI Manila or Berlin.
Now they have a new regulation saying that I can’t renew my passport abroad anymore if I am on a Tourist visa like in the past and I must do it in Indonesia which is OK even i find it quiet a hassle.
I read about the online application for the passport renewal and the links I found are all dead.
Could you please give me any info about the said.
Also, do I need to do it in the Kantor Immigrasi Surabaya where I am from or is any BI ok…
Hi Okaria,
Maybe try this one: (copy and paste it to your browser) or try to contact the immigration: [email protected] or I heard few days/weeks ago they temporarily can’t process the online application (not sure why). I think you submit the application anywhere, unless you would like to have the e-paspor then you can only do it in Jakarta/Surabaya/Batam (Immigration class 1).
Hello Firsta.
Thanks for your reply
I have read all on the immigration website and it is not helpful as in where I can get a fast passport renewal done.
The link provided is dead… the site is not working, no online renewal application can be done.
Yes I can understand the frustration. I am currently facing bureaucracy madness in Nairobi as I’m applying for Ethiopian Visa.
Maybe try to phone them or get your relatives in Jakarta/Surabaya to go to the immigration office to ask about the matter. Sorry I can’t be much more help. Good luck!
My question is I want go to work an other country …so plz give me information about passport in which type passport I want to do …passport travel. .or passport for service
There is only one type of passport. You’ll need to have one to leave Indonesia.
Hi! My wife-to-be is an indonesian had a passport with only name and a different birth date. This could be the result when an employment agency recruited her for work oversea. She renew the passport in 2015 on her passport with only one name and travel on few occassion. Now she would like to change the name and birth date as per the original birth cert, ID (KK) which had two name on it. Will she be able to renew her passport with all her documents available for verification? How can she change her name and what will be the implication of this?
Dear KK,
It should be possible to make a new passport by submitting all the documents with her name (two words). As long as all the information there is the same and correct. The only problem is this is going to be separate from your old passport (just submit it as a completely new passport application). Don’t add the old passport with one name as the supporting documents, because otherwise, she has to explain it.
I would recommend to consult with the immigration for further details. Good luck with the passport application.
Hi, thank you so much for the great and useful information!
I have registered my wife in order to get her passport renewed. Everything went well, we just haven’t got the e-mail with the confirmation link. That was 3 days ago. Is it normal? What should we do? I am hesitant to register her again. Many thanks in advance!
Hi Heiko,
As I remember, I don’t get any confirmation email after booking my slot for the interview. You have all the details on your account on their website.
Have you got that? All the best for the passport renewal.
Hello good evening my friend applied for passport and get code now don’t know how to pay payment please give details of payment or tell how to pay from online
Hi Shaik,
You just need to pay through ATM or online banking.
Hi my
Neice stays in cilschap and she is a sec 2 student. She need a passport to travel abroad.could u please let me know hoe long it might take to get
Hi Mano, not sure about the process in Cilacap. Usually it takes a few days. Hope she can sort it out soon.
I really like your article, it is so nicely explained, that I really got the impression it is easy. But in reality we struggle so much! 🙁 I am already almost desperate.
I am trying to help my boyfriend (he is indonesian) to get the passport as he is unable to do it yourself. The problem is that I don’t speak indonesian so it is very difficult for me to get some information. I booked a flight and flew to Indonesia especially for this purpose, to make a passport with my boyfriend, I had two weeks for this and I did not succeed in two weeks to make it. We went in person to the office in Pati (Java island) with all the documents and photocopies needed, as I thought it would be possible to get the paper form in there. It was not possible unfortunatelly. And they did not want to talk to us or give any information or any advice. They just said, it has to be online!
So we went back home and I was trying the online reservation. I registered at the website on my computer, 5 times with different email addresses and never received any confirmation, so I was unable to do the reservation.
Then we decided to try it in Semarang, we went there and were told the same thing, only online it is possible. i was trying to explain that it does not work. But again the same story, they just said go away and do it online, not even a smallest effort to help us or give any advice.
I tried again with the download application on the phone. The same as on the computer, it sais registration successful – but I never got anything into my mail box so again unable to procced to the actual reservation system.
It is driving already crazy as I really don’t know what to do more. We met a guy who was asking 2 million rupias for his help without the online process. I said to him “fuck off”, cause this is really absurd.
Can anyone help me please? Or explain what I am doing wrong ? :'(
Anyone knows about any walk in office where is still possible to get the paper form nowadays ?
Many thanks
Hi Helena,
I am sorry to hear that. I always met helpful immigration officers, some a bit silly but still tolerable. Have you tried to register through Whatsapp (I have done that in Jakarta and it was easier rather than through the website)? Please read again the article, I think I already put the information on the article.
I hope you can sort it out soon. And yes, it is not necessary to use the guy who have asked 2 million to you. It is really easy to do the passport application, just need a bit of patience. And in regards to this: The same as on the computer, it sais registration successful – but I never got anything into my mail box so again unable to procced to the actual reservation system. Check it on the system, you can also access your confirmation form on the system. Good luck!
Any current experience with processing times for new first issue passport if application lodged online or via whats app.
Pengalaman saat ini dalam memproses waktu jika aplikasi diajukan secara online atau melalui aplikasi whats
My friend is trying to get online date for Jakarta timur office but she cannot get it and she cannot find Jakarta timur what’s app no for getting online no kindly help me she want come kuala Lumpur soon after get her passport to meet me
Hi Sheikh,
Have she asked to the immigration office? I have check online and there is option for Jakarta Timur office. Maybe ask her to double check.
People usually try to book the schedule on Sunday afternoon as that is the time when the start/review the schedule. Hope she can sorted it out. All the best.
Hello! Thank you very much for your clear explanation!
I want to ask one thing about copy of old passport.
Which pages from old passport that should I copy? Should I copy all pages? or only pages that have stamps on it? or only that one page with our picture on it?
Thank you 🙂
Hi Mach, just the personal page. All the best!
To pick the passport, do we need to bring anything else other than the receipt?
Thank you~
Hi Mach,
I don’t think so. You only need to bring the receipt.
My friend stay in medan, is there any immigresen in medan can renew passport? Above online procedure still valid for now? Can i book it now for the next two weeks slot?
Hi Jacklyn, I think so. Medan is one of the big cities in Indonesia. For the slot questions, you should check directly with the immigration.
Your friend should be able to do that by her/himself easily.
I’m Naliny from Malaysia. I want to take maid from Indonesian. Last time she worked at Saudi and now her passport expired. She wants to take new passport. What passport she have to take working passport or visiting Passport. She said she need to take working passport and need my employer documents from Malaysia to apply.. what documents you all need? I’m taking her without using agent.. thank you
Hi Naliny, I don’t have any information about this, but as I know there is no such thing as a ‘working’ passport. Passport should be only passport or diplomatic passport.
What she needs is a working visa as she is going to work there, not only visiting. Hope this explains. I would recommend her to have a further discussion with the immigration about this.
Good luck!
My old passport is issued from bogor jawa. Now i am in medan…can i renew my passport from medan?
Hi Nova,
I think you can. Have you checked with the immigration office in Medan?
how much INR to renew INDO Passport ?
Hi Helwi,
INR is Indian Rupee? Last time the pricing is like this: Rp 655,000 for the e-passport and Rp 355,000 for the normal passport.
You can use an online currency converter tool to see how much it is in INR.
Hi,,my househelp is indonesian we hired her through agency she is on our visa she went today to indoneisa for visit and the people on airport told her to renew her passport as she will return in januray and her passport will expire in april could you please tell me exact location where she should go for the renewal as she has no idea so that i can give her the location.
Hi Mishal,
The easiest way is to ask her to google (or you can google it for her): Kantor Imigrasi + her city. For example: Kantor Imigrasi Jakarta Selatan.
Hello Firsta,
Excellent work done. Just few question which i didn’t find in your article, please help answer them.
1. Is there a possibility of your fresh passport application getting rejected after submission? Or on the day of appointment after payment and getting a receipt confirms your passport?.
2. Where can we track the status of application after submission? Does that WhatsApp number used by immigration officials give you status updates as well?
3. Is passport delivered to our place or we need to pick it from office? Do we get any notification of day and time to go and collect the passport or after 3 days we can walk in and collect?
Thanks again.. You are awesomely helping people
Hi Yousuf,
1. Is there a possibility of your fresh passport application getting rejected after submission? Or on the day of appointment after payment and getting a receipt confirms your passport?. — I don’t know. I would recommend to ask the immigration directly. I think it is possible they might reject it because an interview and documents checking etc.
2. Where can we track the status of application after submission? Does that WhatsApp number used by immigration officials give you status updates as well? — Yes, you can request an update from it.
3. Is passport delivered to our place or we need to pick it from office? Do we get any notification of day and time to go and collect the passport or after 3 days we can walk in and collect? — In my case I picked it up at the immigration office. I go to the office 3 days after the submission.
Hey do you no the best way to get a passport for an indonesian sitizan. And what they may need to d o it. It can’t be online, will have to go into immigration office. Cheers
Hi Blake, I have explained all the step by step and details about the process.
If you are a foreigner and trying to get an Indonesian passport by being an Indonesian, I think that is a more complicated process.
I would recommend you to contact the immigration.
Thank you for sharing these information regarding the passport procedures.
However I have a question. I have all the documents. But during the submission I was informed that my family card is old and I need a new family card.
Is family card even necessary??
Hi Rohan,
Yes I think they asked you to provide it (the original one).
I have mentioned it on the article as well. As for these documents, you can choose one of it: Akta Lahir/Buku Nikah/Ijazah.
Hope you can get sort it out soon.
Hi, my helper from Indonesia (Yogyakata) has agreed to come back to work for us 🙂 If there a way that I can apply her passport online? I’m in Singapore. Thanks!
Hi Hy,
I don’t think you can apply online. You can make the appointment online, but she will need to come to the immigration office to provide all the documents.
Hope she can get her passport soon.
Hi, I want to renew my passport but my passport was expired last year and my passport It was renewed in Kuala Lumpur, and now I want to renew in Indonesia.
Should I bring all Documents to kantor Immigrasi ?
Hi End,
Yes I think you can bring all the required documents to the kantor imigrasi.
Please don’t forget to make an appointment online before you go there. Good luck!
How do I obtain my old Indonesian passport that I lost. I need it to fill out my DS 160 form so I can marry a American citizen ! Where do I get records of my old passport I just have copies of my old passport .And I cannot use them to fill out my DS 160 form I need the real thing
Hi Daron,
Have you get in touch with the immigration? Sorry I don’t know anything about DS160 form. Best of luck!
Hello! How many days or weeks or months will issue the E-Passport? My girlfriend apply E-Passport 3 weeks but until now her E-Passport is not done, Thanks!
Hi Chester,
Usually it takes less than a week once she already went to the immigration to do the interview, photo taken and other stuff.
Hope she gets it soon.
Hi my nanny from indonesia wants to come work for us again but her old passport has expired . Before we called her to Dubai through an agent . But now we dont want to involve an agent and want to call her on a visit Visa which can be changed later to a work Visa once she is in Dubai.
But some one told her that she can not renew her passport herself and the only way to do it through n agent . Is that correct.
Hi Ujala,
Indonesian can easily renew their passport on their own. It is so easy now, she just needs to go to the immigration (she needs to make an online appointment before that).
However, I don’t know anything about the work visa. I don’t have any experience of it.
I have a old PASSPORT.. But i don’t have E-KTP. How can i appliey my Passport??
Hi Mdelias, I’m not sure, maybe use your KTP.
I don’t think it has to be the e-KTP. Please contact immigration for more information.
Hi Mdelias. I would like to know how much is it exactly for an Indonesian to get a passport. What fees are included and what would the total amount be? Thank you
Hi Brad, you can check it here:
Maybe contact the immigration to know about what is included/excluded in the service.
how to make a new passport for Indonesian citizen and where do I apply what should I do how many processing days and how about the fee please inform me thankyou
Dear Jipu,
It is all on the page if you take the time to read. You can also check the immigration’s website
Hey, thanks for the passport info it’s really helpful! I just wanted to ask…
My friend works/ lives in Raja Ampat and currently has no passport. He wants to get a passport to be able to visit the UK and would also need a travel visa for the UK, but there are no offices anywhere near Raja Ampat! His closest main town is Sorong. It says Bali is one of the places you can go to give your biometrics and have photograph taken. If he was to holiday in Bali for 2 weeks would this be enough to complete the face to face process’ for a passport and visa? Could the visa be sent later on from Bali or would he have to still be in Bali to collect it in person weeks/ months later? I have read so many things and is really confusing. I’m in the UK so am not sure who I can ask for help on this! 🙁 Thanks so much
Hi Kayleigh, unfortunately I can’t help. I would recommend getting in touch with immigration. They are quite active (and responsive) on Twitter.
Good luck!
My girlfriend lost her passport. Now how she get a new passport.
Please answer me
Hi Kim, have you asked your gf to contact the immigration? The “how to get a new passport” is provided on this page. Best of luck!
My boyfriend is indonesian from manado but we live in Bali. He wants to apply for a passport and I was wondering do we have to go back to Manado to get it done or can he get his passport in Bali?
Hi Alexandra,
I don’t know to be honest.
I would recommend asking your boyfriend to call the immigration office in Bali to find out whether it is possible to apply for a passport from Bali instead of Manado.
Best of luck!
hello mamif the passport expired on 2008 and need to renewal the person from CIANJUR and he lost his birth certificate how to renewal his passport and where is the nearst immegration for him??
Hi Ali,
I think he can replace the birth certificate (Akta Lahir) with a marriage certificate (Buku Nikah) if he is already married or school graduate paper (Ijazah). The nearest probably in Bogor or Jakarta. However, please ask him to get in touch with immigration and find out the best way to help his situation. Good luck.
thanx for the reply
i found the below requirment
Replacement of Ordinary Passport Requirements For Validity Period Expires or Because Full Page Passport, for Passport which was published since September 2008, attaching:
Valid ID Cards(KTP) and still valid or resi request ID Cards(KTP); and
The Family Card.
my qustion what is the requirment to replace the passport wich published be4 2008
So my sister just went in to the Kemang office and the lady officer asked her about work letter even tho she has all paperwork listed. The lady officer told her that she has the right to ask about the work letter and told my sister to come back with it. Why would she asked work letter for a passport and its not even requirement that is listed anywhere on their website??? Thanks.
Hi Esther, that is a bit bizarre. Maybe your sister mentioned out the purpose of making a passport is to work overseas, maybe? So then the lady officer asked for her work letter.
Try another immigration office perhaps? Good luck!
Hi Firsta,
I am an Indonesian Citizen. I live in Australia and currently holding a Permanent Resident Visa validity 2023. Anyways, I booked a non reschedule ticket to Indonesia (Jakarta) on 4th December 2019. Layover in Kuala Lumpur, but will return to Australia (Perth) on 18th December 2019. But I found out that my passport is less than 6 months validity. hmm not good.. Is it possible to renew my passport in just less than 2 weeks through Indonesian Embassy? and or is it possible to pass through immigration and board the plane?
Hi Gvwilliams,
I don’t think they will allow you to board to the plane (unable to check-in) with a passport with validity for less than 6 months.
I would recommend getting in touch with the Indonesian Embassy there to find out if they can help you to expedite the process.
Here in Indonesia (Jakarta), immigration has fast service: the passport extension process only takes 1 working day, but it comes with a higher price.
I just recently engage a Singapore agent to employ an Indonesian helper but her passport has 10 months more validity and was told that her passport renewal in Indonesia was rejected .May I know what is the rules of renewing passport for their own national?
Hi Fazellah,
I would recommend getting in touch with immigration. I don’t have enough knowledge about this kind of case (not sure why the passport renewal is rejected).
Hope you can get it to sort it out soon.
I am an Indonesian national holding an Indonesian Passport. My husband is an Indian national.
My child holds an Indian passport as she was born in India. How can I get her (my child) an Indonesian passport?
Hi Kareen,
I don’t know, maybe check to the immigration office or the Indonesian Embassy in India? All the best.
Just a reply to the pervious post by @KAREEN.
India don’t support dual citizenship , so you can’t get Indonesian passport, only way is to apply for KITAS. Alternatively, you can give back her Indian citizenship and get OCI (Overseas Citizenship of India), which is what we did for my son.
You make it sound so easy but is that a reality?
My parter is from lombok, she does not have a KK, a birth certificate and she didnt go to school so is so many documents shirt of tge required.
Hi Steve, I can understand it will be complicated in your situation. Try to take care of the necessary documents one at a time.
Best of luck.
Hello.. good morning
How are you? Your blog is really helpful i want to be know about passport my girlfriend is living in Indonesia and she lost the her I’d card and it’s already more than 9 months to applied and still it’s not coming is it possible to apply the passport ? ( Old passport is lost ) pls help me ..i really need it
Hi Panda,
Sorry, I can’t help. As I know she needs to take care of all the required documents first to be able to get a new passport. Best of luck!
I say Hi, my question or two is I live in American and she lives just outside of Bandung. She applied for Passport to come here but they wanted a picture of my passport and License plus a letter to why she needs to come to America. My information didn’t get there soon enough so they denied her application. .they told her to do it in Jakarta. Can I go there and her with the process, or would that hinder her from getting it.
Hi, I want to get an Indonesian passport.
I am an adult (38 years old) indonesian citizen.
Do I need to provide a reason why I want a passport (I am divorced woman)?
Isn’t obtaining a passport a legal right for every citizen and can the interviewer decide not granting me a passport?
Hi Dina, I think the interview is mandatory. I just re-new my passport and they still do the interview. They just ask basic questions such as why you need a passport (the answer can be as simple as I want to travel overseas) and where are you planning to go (you can say anywhere really, but easier maybe just say a country in Southeast Asian since you don’t need a visa to go there so it is easier to travel to). Best of luck for your passport application.
My pasport hold my boss in malaysia before 3 years ago. than i run away from my i don’t have my pasport in malaysia.please can you advise me how can i make my pasport?? thank you dear
Hi Dina,
I would recommend getting in touch with KBRI in Malaysia. I hope you can solve the problem soon.
All the best!
Hi, is there any cost of a passport application in Indonesia
Yes, it is Rp650,000 for the e passport and Rp350,000 for the normal/usual one.
My name is UMAIR ALI am from Pakistan in living Dubai 🇦🇪 i want make passport Indonesia
Hi Umair Ali,
I would recommend to get in touch with the immigration office directly.
Hey Firsta
My gf and Indonesian citizen went to get a new passport. They asked her what her job is and she said she owns her own business.
Then they asked her for a photo of her at the business work place.
Then when she didn’t have it they asked her for the certificate of her business to prove she has one.
They also asked her where she was going to go and who she was going to meet.
Do you know why? What is the relevance of this for a passport office to be asking?
Hi Martin, Not sure about the relevance of the questions. However, I experienced the same, while they didn’t ask about my occupation, but they did ask what were my plans. What country I am planning to visit and when I am planning to go, etc – I guess that is just part of the formality (part of the process). I recall giving the usual responses; e.g.: Singapore or Thailand when asked about travel destinations, mostly for leisure purposes. Keep it simple.
Good afternoon
I want to ask about passport for local people .
How long does it take to be ready ?
What is the differed between “passport blasa “ and “passport electronic “?
And what we need to do?
Thank you
Have a great day .
Hi there, I think it is around 4 working days after all the documents submitted and the interview. To answer “what we need to do?” question, I think it is explained in this blog post. If it is unclear, you can ask the local people who are planning to get a passport to call imigration to get a better understanding. Paspor biasa is a non-electronic passport. Apart from containing personal biodata (you can find this on the paspor biasa too), e-Passport also contains facial biometrics and fingerprints of the passport holder which are stored on a chip and can be scanned.