So here we go.. Since Indonesia has 17,000-ish islands, I would need 46 years to visit all the islands one by one by myself and would have too much grey hair by the time I finished (one island a day, which I think wouldn’t be enough!). Thus I would like to invite anyone to contribute to this site. If you interested on helping me, give me a shout at [email protected].
For the big picture, you can help me by writing an article in English or in Indonesia (I will translate it, no problem) minimum 800 words and provide (at least) 5 pictures to go with the article. I don’t need big size pictures, just 300-600KB, but it should be sharp/clear pictures (Featured image size: 1440 pixel x 550 pixel. Images in the article size: 800 pixel wide). And you also need to provide a short description of yourself + picture for the contributor section at the end of the article. Don’t get offended if I edit the article a tiny bit, it is for the sake of the readers enjoyment on reading it and match with this blog tone. It has to be original and unique content.
Ok, so whenever you are ready, let me know. Your help would definitely make my day 🙂
I have an advertising enquiry, kindly email [email protected]. Thanks!
Aku lihat di kolom kalimantanmu masih kosong ya? kebetulan aku ada pengalaman oke di salah satu pulau kalimantan. Aku tertarik banget untuk berbagi pengalamanku denganmu. Kabari aku dengan respon yang kuharap positif ya dan semoga bisa bekerja sama.
With love,
Hi Jennifer,
Iya saya belum pernah ke Kalimantan. Hopefully in the near future. 🙂
Silahkan kirim articlenya via email ya. Thanks for dropping by!
Hi Firsta,
Saya suka sekali blog kamu dan mulai terinspirasi menulis. Saya ada artikel tentang kaltim yang sudah saya post di blog saya dalam bahasa indonesia bisakan dikirim kesini juga?
Hi Carl, thanks for your kind words. Yeah sure as long as it is an unique article, why not. Silahkan email ya 🙂 Read more details here: Thank you!
jadi pengen jalan jalan setelah baca baca blog ini…
Hahaha Mas Arik.. Ini nyindir nihhhh..
Hi Discover your Indonesia,
Try Lampung for your next trip.
warm regard,
Yes would be great 🙂 Actually I have an aunt that live in Lampung (Tulang Bawang).
o ya ?
I used to ‘stay’ there during 2006 to 2009, when i was worked at local NGO.
If many people go to Lampung, and share their story during in Lampung, notably with big web like Discoveryourindonesia, it will be good for growt of Lampung, the people – the tourism – also the culture.
waiting for your Lampung trip.
Warm regard
indonesia mempunyai pulau-pulau yg sangat cantik, it so beautiful, salam dari malaysia,salam nusantara.
Thank you! Salam juga ya.
Blog nya bagus, bikinnya pake platform apa ni?
Hi Carl,
Terima kasih sudah mampir. Saya pakai WordPress. 🙂
Hi Firsta
any suggestion best transportation can drive us from airport to jakarta central then.return to-airport.
As we on 6 hrs transit to Bali. Group of 5 peoples.
would visit the city during the transit time.
Hi Frista,
Blognya bagus bingiiit, aku punya banyak pengalam tentang traveling tapi ga bisa nulisnya. masih belum pandai dalam merangkai kata-kata.
Help 🙂
Hi Lisa,
Namanya unik banget, Analisa 😀 Coba ditulis aja, aku juga (sampe sekarang) masih suka mikir gitu kok. “Kayanya aku ga bakat nulis dan merangkai kata-kata”.. Hehehe tapi aku cuek dan coba aja. Thanks ya sudah mampir kesini.
Great info. We’ve just spent the last few weeks travelling from Banda Aceh down to Lake Toba. Quite slow going great scenery and more importantly spectacular food! I’ve got some smashing photos so will send you a write-up if I can sit down with a computer for long enough!
Hi Will,
Cool! I have never been to Aceh and Lake Toba. Oh yes, I would love to receive stories/photo stories about Banda Aceh, Lake Toba and wherever in between.
Btw, yup I’ve been heard about the spectacular food in Sumatera.
Dear Firata I tried to contact by Phone We know about you throug Tracy and Egbert.
We arrive in Yogyakarta by train from Bandung at 1553 hours on January 6 and we are leaving Yogyakarta January 9.
Perhaps you can guide us in Yogyakarta. Please send me an E-mail, We are sataying in the Melia hotel
Kind regards,
Paul de levita
Hi Paul,
Thanks for getting in touch! I’ve sent you an email 🙂
Hai Firsta.
I’ve read your blog and that is really inspiring.
However I got several questions dealing with your trip to sulawesi.
1. kalo mau ke sulawesi cukup ga 1minggu kalau mau main ke:
kete kesu, lemo & suaya
ramang ramang maros di tanjung bira
2. kalau mau diving bagusnya dimana di sulawesi?
wakatobi atau bunaken?
3. lebih baik ikut tour atau traveling solo?
4. bisa minta recommendation hotel selain di tanjung bira? (akan stay di amatoa resort when in tanjung bira)
Mohon bantuan dan informasinya.
Hi Dellaros,
1. Saya ga tau Suaya dimana. Kete Kesu, Lemo, Batutumonga itu di Tana Toraja (10 jam naik bus dari Makassar). Perjalanan Makassar-Tana Toraja akan melewati Ramang-ramang Maros. Saya belum pernah ke Maros dan juga Tanjung Bira, tapi kayanya dua tempat itu bukan tempat yg sama.
2. Dua-duanya bagus menurut saya
3. Terserah kamu sih nyamannya gimana. Kalau menurut saya mendingan arrange sendiri (terserah solo/tidak). Tempat-tempat yang kamu sebutkan, informasinya sudah mudah sekali diperoleh. Tinggal Google aja 🙂
4. Silahkan dibaca untuk rekomendasi penginapan dan hal-hal seputar Tana Toraja di sini
Soal apakah 1 minggu cukup atau ga, rasanya sih cukup tapi terlalu terburu-buru disetiap tempat. Harus diingat untuk tidak langsung terbang setelah menyelam.
Hi Firsta , waktu berikutnya kami datng di Jogja lagi untuk discover yang bagus lain lain. Saya suda 2 kali di Jogja dan banjak kali di Indonesia , tapi tidak bisa lihat semua ))
Sampai jumpa
Andy dari Jerman
Hi Andy,
Yes you should come back again to Jogja 😀
Jogja is one of the cities in Indonesia, which a lot of people are willing to go back several times.
See you! 🙂
Hola Firsta,
Bagaimana yah kalau saya ingin menjalin kerjasama terkait penyajian konten untuk Artikel? Kebetulan saya juga memiliki website tentang pariwisata Indonesia masih sangat baru 😀 belum sekerennnn DIY 🙂
Kalau bisa menjalin kerjasama saya akan sangat senang tentunya! hhe untuk konfirmasinya Mba Firsta bisa hubungi saya via email.
Terima kasih,
Hi Alfi,
Saya kirim email ya 🙂 Ditunggu balasannya. Good luck with the website!
Hi Frista,
I am traveling to Indonesia in September and would love to contribute to the website. Any particular destinations you are looking at people to cover? If yes, I may not be of help as I am doing quite a usual itinerary:
1) Yogyakrata
2) Bromo/ Ijen
3) Bali
4) Flores – mainly just Komodo
5) Nusa islands
Let me know 🙂
Hi Preeti,
Thanks for the offer. We are focusing on the content of Sumatra and Kalimantan at the moment.
I hope you have a great trip in Indonesia 🙂
Dear Firsta / Discover Your Indonesia,
Thank you for informative blog.
Really helpful and make me so proud of being Indonesian. I’m new in writing and journalism, but really interested with Travelling. You are so inspiring. Success!!
Best Regards,
Pena Sahabat
Thanks Pena. That means a lot. I wish you all the best with your projects.
He Firsta ,
We will travel soon in yogja and want to spent the first night near Candi Borobudur .What about Damri bus at airport , is it still available ? is it possible to stop at Borobudur or stop only at Magelang ?
Terima kasih
Hi Ely,
I think it is still available. They stop somewhere close to Borobudur. What I can suggest is tell the bus driver or the crew that you would like to go to Borobudur and ask to stop somewhere closest to Borobudur.
Hope you have a great time in Indonesia.
He Firsta ,
Look at the pct of Damri bus schedule at Yogja airport … from airport to Magelang , for departure at 12h ,arrival to Magelang is at 20h ? Means 8 hours travel by bus ? Is that it ?
Terama kasih …
Hello Firsta,
I would like to request your assistance to locate Mas Joko-Master Healer who is located in Yogyakarta.
Mas Joko is well known as a gifted Jamu healer with some 40 years experience.
I would be grateful should you be able to support this enquiry.
Your email address would be helpful for me.
Dear Grant,
I am so sorry I couldn’t help. I am not in Yogyakarta at the moment. If you have any other details such as his full name or location (roughly), please let me know and I can ask my friend.
Firsta, Are you back in Yogyakarta yet? If so, could you be Yogyakarta tour guide for group of 6 Americans sometime between Dec 12-14 Thank you. David
Hi David,
I’ll be in Indonesia in January 2019 so I’m afraid I can’t do that. However we can arrange a car and a driver (knowledgeable local) for you.
I’ll get in touch through email.